Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Adam has been home over 2 months now. Wow! Christmas was an exciting time. He enjoyed the lights, the festivities, the presents... "Share" has become a big word around the house. Adam continues to impress us with his understanding of his new language. He has also managed to learn to say a few words. One of our favorite times with him is right before bed time when we have a devotional time with him and his sisters. Adam tries real hard to repeat the prayers we say. He says "Amen!" really well. During the past month Adam received his official "citizenship" letter from President Bush and a social security number. This month, the real "fun" begins. He will have surgery on his palate on January 10. He will also have tubes put in his ears to help his hearing. He will need to wear splints on his arms for about 3 weeks to keep his hands out of his mouth. All in all, it will be a challenging month for him, but we know that God will continue to do more than we could ask or imagine (Eph 3:20).

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